Friday, October 23, 2009

fall is here and you know what that means

Happy hallowween
thumb print spiders

hang print bats

bats made out plates

my cats

The is cow the mama cat with cj.. Cj look just like here mama

this patch.. this were she like to laid when i am on the computer

this mouser.. i call her gramdma cat .. she the old cat we have .

this is Blanco sleeping in my green work bag.. she sleeping on the content standard

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

the fireman came to school

camryn run up and gave mom a hug and than she was coming back to take a seat .. as you can see camryn fast.. I want a picture of camryn give her mom ahug but she was just to fasted
this camryn mom she put on the fire suit .. it weight 75 pounds and that just the suit

this ms mark .. He dose the fire drill in are building and came today to teach the kids about fire safety

this me and my kids watching the fireman .. I am not sure why my pictures keep turn on there side

Friday, October 16, 2009

pumpkin patch 09

for some reason my picture keep downloading side not sure why ... these are white pumpkin .. I think they are neat ..I want one ..but I was so busy i didn't get one
here the kids picking pumpkins ..I know the picture side just tilt your head :)

sharai and here pumpkin

this are classroom pet martin chillin on his pumpkin:)

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I colored rice with the kids and that had blasted coloring the rice and than we glue it to paper.

than the kids wanted to see if that put colored rice in a bottle if would turn out like the sand one ....will the bottle tun out differnt but the kids still like them . all the kids wanted to take the bottle and i only had 3.

so i put everyone name in bag and pulled out 3 names and those kids got to take the rice bottle home . it the simple thing that make kids happy. I get ready to go the zippy game.... go ZIPPY