Friday, May 23, 2008

root canal

so I made a densits appointment on wed because had had little nagging tooth ache. So think go see the densit get fix move on . I had to get root canal. so now my face all numb had type this . So run the drug store to pick up my meds from the doctor than my period starts . Oh the joys of being woman eeerrr...Brandy thank you so much for the purse. I love the chap stick.. I just love chap stick . I think I am going to take the purse to school and put it in the home center my little girls will juts love it . Well off to take my drugs and take nap which hardly ever get to do !

1 comment:

Phyl said...

Hey Baby Girl...I am so sorry that your tooth had to act up.

I am glad, however, that you stopped by to see me:).

Feel better soon~