Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The garden Is Done

I been working with the kids for about month making thing to go in the garden . I left side this picture are pepper under the pepper are cabbage and next cabbage are carrots and than sweet pea and the hill of flowers.
These are the tomatoes,green bean and onion and broccoli

Close up of the pepper and cabbages
close up of the hill of flower .
I very sad is going to be too cold to swim outside on the my birthday(Saturday). I want to swim outside but even if warm up the weather man calling for thunder storms. so I am moving the party to inside pool . We had lock down drill at school with the kids it want very well . I had but jackets on my kids today . we are dress like fall time :( Hoply the weather will warm up soon


Anonymous said...

Hopefully my art will be of interest.
Ping Desktop / Laptop Wallpapers
Peter Ingestad, Sweden

Anonymous said...

I love the garden! That is sooo cute!