Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Paper pets and teaching

I made this in neat site .. I found this on another blog.
these are my paper pets.. I went to the Chinese cultural fair and I got this .. I just think their so cute

Top ten reason to become a early childhood teacher !!!!!!!!!

1) Cute little Children

2)Confidence that you will never , ever forget to count to 10

3)Attention span... do you have one?

4)shoes that magic untied themselves.

5)Get to sing your favorite songs over and over again(be careful they will get stuck in your head)

6)With all the bending who needs aerobics

7) PLAY PLAY PLAY!!!!!!!!!

8)kids art

9)small hand big crayon

10)You alone make little ones count.


hj45uyb4uy45yv3tv3wetfcv5j76 knn7 said...

1st of all, those paper pets are nothing short of awsome!
I live in Maryland...it just started really getting cold last week but it is serious! And I couldn't a gree more, the Hotter the Better. I'm a summer baby so maybe that has something to with my strong dislike of cold weather.

Anonymous said...

Cute paper animal!