Thursday, December 11, 2008

class pictures

Here the snowman the kids pasted together today
These are the applesauce Cinnamon ordements we made with the kids . that smell great . you mixs applesauce, Cinnamon and glue make the dough roll out and cut them out and then let dry two 3 day

This class picture for DEC.. two my kids are not in the . All these children will be 3 by April .


Anonymous said...

It looks like you have the best job ever! Is it a school or a day care? If that is a day care that is wonderful, our daycares don't do fun stuff like that!

hj45uyb4uy45yv3tv3wetfcv5j76 knn7 said...

very cute! I had no clue that you could make ornaments that way. I can imagine that applesauce and cinnamon must smell good. I want to be in your class.

my phone is working now by the way. it needed a couple days to dry out. i was afraid i was going to have to spend money for a new 1.