I received this in a email from a friend of mine .... I though was wroth sharing enjoy and so tell me what do you think.In response to all the 'what do you think?"s from friends and family this past week--
From my many conversations this week, one thing became clear-that no matter the eventual outcome of the election, we are on the verge of very big change. No matter who won, barriers would be erased and either a non-male or a non-white would occupy one of 2 most powerful positions in the world. With that would be a new perception of America . Barack Obama said, " when (not "if") he became president, the world would view America differently and that America would view America differently too."
All week I've had trouble putting into words the emotions I've had following our nations recent election. As gas and groceries prices rise, I've felt anxious as my family begins feeling the pinch of the economy with the holidays lurking ahead.
I've felt an absence of racism and an aura of equality and respect as I walk in public with my husband, always proudly before, but especially now.
I've felt a little afraid for this nations security; that the transfer of power could somehow leave us vulnerable.
I've also felt optimism that because of the transfer, a path will be cleared and better international relations will develop.
I've felt almost stunned that my resigned submission and apathy to the current out-of-touch administration is over and I am finally excited about politics again. Mostly I am happy to know my voice has and will continue to be heard.
And finally, I rest a little lighter feeling for the first time in a long time that my leaders genuinely care about friends and families like mine. -With family in the military, family facing retirement and disability, unemployment, child support payments, lost investments, possible foreclosure, health problems and medical bills due to lack of insurance, student loans, rising costs, (teenagers!).
I was born in 1966, in the midst of the Vietnam War; the same year the Black Panther Militia was formed and biracial marriages were illegal in 16 states. When I was perfecting learning to walk, Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated. The year I started kindergarten, busing for the integration of schools was ordered by the Supreme Court. I lived through the energy crunch of the 70's with my mom yelling "turn off the lights" and my father telling me to "put on a hat" instead of turning the thermostat up. I became an adult in the 80's and as a young adult, the first president I ever voted for tried to veto the Civil Rights Restoration Act. I was an activist and environmentalist in the 90's and in 1992, 3 weeks after my son was born, Los Angeles erupted in riots over the Rodney King trial.
My so is now 16 and knows very little of racism outside of the mysterious disappearance of 2 Obama/
Biden campaign signs from our small town yard in the last month. Strange how the third, (and only one to be rigged with a string and a bell into our bedroom window) still stands unharmed. (did I mention I '
ve felt vindication?!)
Sadly though, he has only just begun to see the green movement and understand the threats facing our environment. He and his friends are passive about the current history in the making, either desensitized by media and their general childhood diet of video games and day care or they are truly resigned to the illusion that their voice holds no power. I am extremely grateful for the millions who for the first time took a stand by voting.
Lastly I've felt joy, elation, hope... I feel unity. I feel a sense of peace that our new leader will select a strong support network and that his integrity, confidence and composure will become infectious in Washington . I feel certain that America can become strong again- on its own terms without being a bully and while taking care of its own. I feel that way because I believe we finally feel differently about each other-that suddenly we are, without gender and race, all Americans.
It's ironic that I haven't watched Oprah in over a year and this past Friday I caught it and it had such a profound effect on me. Musical artist, Will.i.am summed up perfectly for me the culmination of thoughts and emotions this past week. Not a day has passed since the election that I have not shed tears of joy over this historical occurrence. I believe music often uniquely expresses that which can only be expressed through some form of art--This song is upbeat, positive, joyful, remembering the past but looking forward to the future.
Once there was
pre 9/11 and post 9/11 and although that will not be forgotten, now there is
pre-Obama and post-Obama. It's a new day!
Click on the video and prepare to smile.
http://www.interscope.com/artist/player/default.aspx?mid=3233&aid=574Happy Veterans Day this Tuesday!
Be blessed!