Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Watch out for the turtle!!!

We made foam bowl turtle with the kids . they have fun anytime they can paint .
Here close up of the turtle:)
We got the kids all dress in there bathing suits and put sunscreen on them and when we got outside it started pouring ... I would mind playing in the rain except for that i did have change of clothes. SO we got the water table out and play in the water in the classroom . we made huge mess and 3 my kids who are potty training had accident stand by the water table . The only thing i could think was that water made them have go potty
Here patches playing out in the yard in the leave... she getting big:)... I have the next two day off :)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Como estas( How are you ?) Asi asi (so so)

We have Spanish every Wednesday for 11:30 -12:00. Ms Betty very good with the teacher . she is teaching them about feeling in Spanish. So each the Children got to pick out a mask and tell Ms Betty how they were feeling.
Here a close up of the children in the mask is hard to see from far away .Como estas(how are you ) Bien(happy), Asi asi(so so), Mal (mad )
Here my cat patches . I am reading the book stand tall very good book by the way . I got up to do something when i came back she was laying on my book . she is such a sweet cat :)

So I am back to opening at work which mean i am at work 7:20... This first week will be hard than should be OK . I have open before it just been while .I am not morning person. Joanna was the person that was opening my room but she having surgery so taking time off and maybe than she be back has sub . The morning started off with bang at work I drop the bucket of Lego on the floor than had the pleasure of pick up 500 or so Lego's. ( I am sure problem only 100-200 But seem like a lot of Lego's and was Early in the morning )Than Melanie call say she be in work late . Her cat got hit by car . than she called back and the cat did not make. I felt so bad for her . This how my day Begin. We were suppose to do water play but i was not in mood to play in the water so I took the kids out to the playground and let them play in the box house we made few weeks ago. They had fun jumping on the bigger box and flatting it out . The simple thing keep kids busy :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A lazy Sunday afternoon

I lay down with Serenity and Davonta and took two hour nap . I don't take nap to offen.
These are the flower in my front yard they are begain to bloom. I just love them. they will bloom in to early fall
This rock chair in the front yard with the Chick plants grow in the booths
This crazy the cat taking a nap on the front porch .

Friday, July 25, 2008

what plans

Two days with no plans . My was it nice . I never have days were I don't have my days plan out . even my weekend are usually plan out . It was nice change of pace.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Me and Ann went to a barack Obama head quarter in Akron . I think going to sign to doing some thing on Saturday like maybe make phone call or walk door to door I am not sure yet . I like what Obama has to say about education and health care . I work and still don't have health care . I think all people should have some kind of health care . I have four day weekend coming up I have off Friday and Thursday. So far not plan just plan chill out at home . It was little chill for me today . we didn't play in the water at school with kids because it was to cold .

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Hot walk in the sun for pretzel

WellA on this blistering hot day we walk across campus to the pretzel shop to see how pretzel are made and than each the children got pretzel to eat . This sign we made for them .
It was very sunny today
I for some reason now I keep seeing different glass doors that i Like . on our way back from the pretzel shop we stop to listen to a guy play the piano and he was sitting right out this door.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Never to old for a popsicle!

In Fact I had 3 of them today .

I it been really hot in Ohio . when you standing outside and in the sun for five minutes and your arm starts burn even with sun screen. You know it hot .

I love to play in the water but just to hot to be outside . It is still 76 out and is 10:44 at night . I had Popsicle with the kids at work at about 11 and than we had chicken stir fir for lunch which was very good .

My nose is all stuff up and i cant smell anything . Sudafed My new best friend because is help me breath. I stay home Tuesday because I felt like crappy. Sleep all day than of course could not sleep last night saw just about every hour on the clock. I went to work and was really tried . I think could lay down at 4 and went to sleep but was afraid to because I though awake at 11 and be up for the night .

so eventho I did not feel like it I went on boat ride with the girls from work . It was so nice out on the lake the BREEZE was the best thing of all . I Had fruit for dinner. what Nice summer treat. Than we sat on Ann deck and shot the breeze . I had to two Popsicle back to back while sitting on the deck a creamsile and fugdesicle. They hit the spot. now I am writing this .I am very sticky so going take bath than good bed . I do know one thing i will sleep good tonite

Monday, July 14, 2008

Waterplay and painting outside

We had fun painting this paper green and blue for the bottom of the sea.
Paint with our feet was fun .
Jane paint her leg
Deshawn playing in the water .
It turn out to be really nice day . The sun was blaze just bit at some point but other than that we had great day

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lakewood look out point

This the path to get dow to the lake. Barb took me to the Lakewood to check out the lake and boy was it pretty. It was very nice day but muggy !
The sun was out and shine . I just love Mr Sunshine:)
I was taking picture of the Lakewood sign and barb saw the shadows and I am on the left she on the right making the shadow Bunnies:)
We were looking out on the lake . we saw boat but we were not sure because was not moving .. it was great view of Cleveland.
Here a Bunnies in the grass I try get close shot of him... but when i got close to him he ran like the wind.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I am web master

I am web master :) Lol Not really .. But did make a web site for classroom today . It turn out ready nice . I have picture posted, I cab go a daily journal and post about the going on of the room . I like so much . SO in my little world for today I am the web master. Today is my DaD birthday . I miss his so much . we I am off to BW3 to have goodbye party for some the girl who are done with school at the end the week than be leaving . It bit sweet

Monday, July 7, 2008

hot hot day

Serenity chasing grandma with the hose.
serenity doing the water dance lol
Serenity asked me can I sit in the bowl. so told her sure
Now is a hat lol
It was very hot in ohio . I played in the water with kids at work than came home and played with serenity . well off to watch the bucket list :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I am

I am Joyce! I am a woman, a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, a niece, a cousin, a friend... I am the oldest of my moms three children . I am a graduate, a teacher, a life long learner. I am determined and strong-willed. I am passionate, creative and driven. I am a leader. I am outgoing, fun and crazy...but I am cautious in the same breath. I am motivated, opinionated and self confident. I am a mess and clean, unorganized and a neat freak ! I am Black and White, Christan and a Cancer. I love to travel I want to see the world! I am a Joker, comfortered and
flexable.I smile, laugh and cry. I am caring. I am loved. I AM JOYCE!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

My creation. Flickr meme(SabineM blog)

Here's how it works:
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd's mosaic makerAnd here are the questions:
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One Word to describe you.
12. Your flickr name.

Here the blog I got this from thank you Sabine this was fun . So try and have fun . if you do please let me know so i can see you pictures

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A marching we will go

Stand in font the school getting ready for are parade.
It rain on us but we marched on .
Some the kids had blue streamer. Let just tell you rain and blue steamer make great mess
Singing in the student union has loud we possible can :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Just got home from seeing the movie Hancock. Very funny movie about a lonely super hero. will smith is too funny . You can check out the website for the movie if you like

Today was all about the paper trail . I have one kids in my room that cant have peanuts and along with that come so much paper work. The doctor just change the dose on some his medical so that meant we had to change all are paper. I know we need to kept up with is but still pain .

Than the state lady came last weekend and the form we have for sun screen are not fill out right . Most the parent wrote sun screen on the forms when they have to write the name of it such as (copper tone or banana boat) but I did not know so we have redo those forms. I love working with kids but the freaking paper work is driving me crazy. The movies just what i need to get my mind off thing work. well of chill out maybe watch little tv and read my book come on people . Very good book by the way .